
 Workshop 2021 Registration

Date Time Activities Venue Address
3rd Feb, 2021 10:00-17:00 One on One meetings (by appointment) AEMG Surrey Hills Office Zoom/
Onsite Meeting
4th Feb, 2021 10:00-12:00 One on One meetings (by appointment) AEMG Surrey Hills Office Zoom/
Onsite Meeting
14:00-16:00 VC Roundtable
Transnational Education during and after COVID-19

Topic 1: OLC now and in the future

Topic 2: Australia and China relations – What that means for higher education?

Topic 3: Updates on changes to regulations in China

AEMG Surrey Hills Office Zoom Webinar /
Onsite Conference
16:00-16:15 Afternoon Tea Break AEMG Surrey Hills Office
16:15 – 17:30 Theme Topic 

The Future of AEMG with Partners
– Jenny Wang

Open Discussion
What does this mean in terms of AEMG providing support for transnational education programs?

AEMG Surrey Hills Office
18:00-20:30 Dinner TBC N/A
5th  Feb, 2021 10:00-12:30 Workshops

Keynotes 45mins (all)
1. Value Adding Through Research Pathway
2. Managing Risks and Quality

Morning Tea Break

Parallel Workshop Breakout Sessions (60mins)

Breakout session A
Topic 1.1 Transfer rate
Topic 1.2 Leveraging Cap Program with Reseach e.g. PhD Program

Breakout session B
Topic 2.1 JMC & AAB
Topic 2.2 Teaching Visit

Postnote 30mins (all)

AEMG Surrey Hills Office Zoom Meeting with breakout sessions/
onsite Meeting
12:30-13:30 Lunch AEMG Surrey Hills Office N/A
13:30-17:00 One on One meetings (by appointment)  AEMG Surrey Hills Office Zoom/
Onsite Meeting

* We will notify changes as they occur.